
Balor, Eithniu & Lugh: A Tale of Myth, Magic, and Humanity's Shadow

  BALOR - EITHNIU - LUGH Prediluvian, that is before the flood our earth was inhabited by angelic humans who came from heaven to earth, and went from earth to heaven. All beings from every star in every galaxy throughout the infinity of space are, and were space travellers, we live in parallel worlds. You know there are over twenty million earths within our only solar Sun where the beings from every other star gravitates to, and where us earthlings  gravitated to, and we had the pleasure of living in these parallel worlds in ancient times. We knew the tunnels that took us there, and because I know these transport frequency waves TFW’s, and what they look like I’m building the prototype the Dodeccahedron spaceship which will be a first for the world, for you, and I, including all you wannabe space travellers. Postdiluvian saw our garden of Eden taken over by the fallen angels, the alien beings from the burst Planet X, and when these guys impregnated  the daughters, of the ...

Niamh, TTG & Oisín: A Mythical Journey Through Eternal Youth, Love, and Parallel Worlds

  Niamh came flying over the sea on her white horse  from Tir Nà Nòg in search of Oisin her lover who was a poet, and son of Fionn MacCumhaill King of Nà Fiànna in Ireland This is one way of introducing the daughter of Manannan MacLir who lives in the place of eternal youth. Another way to introduce this fountain of youth called Niamh is that she came down from a place in space where antimatter takes place, and outside the gravitational pull between the planets, who is a space traveller, and her white  horse is the Dodeccahedron Spaceship which navigates through  anyone of the black hole frequency waves that are everywhere in space, and before you say black holes are one directional I can confirm otherwise, and that they are two directional which have equal, and opposite forces, push, and pull, concentric, and eccentric circles that are not governed by the laws of gravity. I can access these, including all the many geometric forms  of antimatter with my eyes, an...

The Silver Branch and the Truth Goblet: Cormac MacArt’s Journey with Manannan MacLir

  When Manannan MacLir the SeaGod, and King of the Tuaithe deDanannan, and Father of Niamh met Cormac MacArt who was the wisest King of Ireland on the lawn of Tara Hill, and after the two men greeting each other, Cormac asked this tall stranger who had a silver branch strewn over his shoulder with nine red gold apples where he came from to which the stranger replied I come from a place where there is no aging, no withering, no envy, no jealousy, no pride, no sickness, no sadness, no worries, no cares, and instead we have love, joy , peace, and energy, a place where only the truth prevails.. When Cormac heard this he said I wish it were so with us, and I could well do with your friendship, to which the stranger replied you can have it, and without hesitation Cormac asked him for his friendship together his silver branch with the nine red gold apples? The stranger replied you have my friendship, and the silver branch with the nine red gold apples, but you must grant me three gifts in...

MiHelix: Embracing Uniqueness and the Infinite Journey of the Golden Spiral

  MiHelix Our chromosomes, our double helix, and our 22 pairs of chromosomes, called autosomes, and with  our  twenty third  pair called our sex chromosomes that determines us being born male, female, masculine, feminine  The feminine with a matching pair of Chromosomes XX, and masculine with XY chromosomes who   determines the sex of our newborn baby. Like there is no two snowflakes identical , there is no two humans , life forms, identical, and this  makes you the most unique individual ever, past, present, future. So please, please, please show me your uniqueness in mind, body, and soul, in everything you do, say, talk, and walk, and your exquisiteness, will change our world. You are the GOLDEN SPIRAL. So it’s no wonder the universe, the source keeps filling the skies with the Dodeccahedron the designs, and images nobody has seen before. This atomic world of antimatter has gifted me the SunBeings, and the dodecahedron is one of these sentient b...

Building the Future: Unlocking Entrepreneurial and Career Opportunities with The Truth Goblet

  The world of work is changing fast, and The Truth Goblet is right at the cutting edge. Whether you’re looking to accelerate your career, dive into entrepreneurship, or gain hands-on experience in innovative industries, they’ve got you covered. Let’s explore how The Truth Goblet is helping individuals carve out their futures with its forward-thinking projects. Fast Track Academy: Your Shortcut to Career Success  In today’s job market, experience is everything. Fast Track Academy is all about giving you that edge, offering an accelerated learning program that packs years of experience into just a few months. Whether you’re fresh out of school or looking to level up your career, this program makes you job-ready in no time. With practical, hands-on training that complements your academic background, Fast Track Academy ensures you stand out in your field. Think of it as your fast pass to career growth. Copilot: Guiding Entrepreneurs in the 5th Dimension  Entrepreneurship is ...

Mind, Body, and Soul: The Holistic Magic of The Truth Goblet’s Health Projects

  True wellness isn’t just a buzzword — it’s a lifestyle. At The Truth Goblet, they get it. Their health projects are all about balance, weaving together mind, body, and soul into a harmonious trio. These initiatives go beyond the physical, diving deep into mental and spiritual well-being too. Let’s break down how The Truth Goblet is redefining holistic wellness with its game-changing projects. MiJams: Boosting Brain Power and Happiness Mental health? It’s a must. MiJams is here to elevate your mood and sharpen your mind. With a mix of fun activities and natural supplements, MiJams targets your brain’s reward centers to enhance neural connections and bump up those feel-good serotonin levels. Stress, anxiety, or just a foggy mind? MiJams has you covered with tools that keep your mental game strong. SUPERLOOPS The Healer: Pain Relief with a Twist Chronic pain getting you down? SUPERLOOPS The Healer is your new best friend. This project focuses on pressure points and energy activation...

Digital Art and Cryptocurrency: The Financial Frontier with The Truth Goblet’s Innovative Projects

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, traditional concepts of art and currency are being redefined. The Truth Goblet is at the cutting edge of this transformation, offering projects that merge the worlds of digital art and cryptocurrency. These initiatives are not just about investing — they’re about pioneering the future of finance. Here’s how The Truth Goblet is leading the charge in this new financial frontier. Celtic NFT Collection: A New Era of Digital Art Investment The rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has revolutionized the art world, creating new opportunities for artists and collectors alike. The Truth Goblet’s Celtic NFT Collection takes this concept further by offering NFTs that not only represent unique digital artworks but also serve as lucrative financial investments. Each piece in the Celtic NFT Collection is a one-of-a-kind digital asset that combines aesthetic value with financial potential. What makes this collection particularly appealing is the guaranteed ret...